Tutte Politiche (aka All Things Political)

A place for a PhD candidate to rant, rave and discuss revelant political issues: Canadian, American and Comparative.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Liberal Fundraising Woes to Continue...

Bill Curry in the Globe and Mail today writes about the potential woes the Liberals will facing under the even harsher election financing restrictions in the Accountability Act.

The next election will be fought with this new law in effect ($1,000 donation limit, no corporate or union donations to party of candidate).
This once again highlights in the importance of electing a candidate that can not only beat Stephen Harper in the air (ideas. vision etc) but also on the ground (raising money, and drawing people out to events).

I revert back to a previous post I made regarding Ken Dryden:

What's the problem - The Liberals cannot raise small amounts of money from Canadians. Clearly the Conservatives have a huge advantage on us, while the NDP is also doing better among small donors (double the number of contributors). So, when I look to a leadership candidate who will be able to get the party back into fighting shape, money, as always, talks.

Ask yourself, which of the 11 candidates can go into rural Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Alberta and draw a crowd out larger than say 30 or 40 people? Bob Rae? - Maybe in rural Ontario, but that is just to throw eggs at him. Michael Ignatieff? - Highly doubtful - he's too much like John Kerry. Stephane Dion - most likely, NO.

So when I look at Ken Dryden - with his unbeatable name recognition and personal appeal - I say this man can be a cash cow for the Liberals in an era of tight personal contribution limits and no corporate or union donations. It is time for the Liberal Party to become a mass party, appealing to thousands of Canadians. And for mainly that reason - I will be supporting him.

That was then - and I am more convinced that despite some of his disadvantages - Ken Dryden is the best choice for the Liberals now if they want to win the next election. If the party is satisfied to sit it out for 6-8 more years, then Iggie, Kennedy or Dion will do. If they want to sit it out for the nest 8 to 12 years, then elect Bob Rae.