Tutte Politiche (aka All Things Political)

A place for a PhD candidate to rant, rave and discuss revelant political issues: Canadian, American and Comparative.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bill Richardson for President 2008?

While I am partial to Gore and will wait until the end for him to enter the race (btw I'm going to see him live in Calgary in April).

I thought you might be interested in this video

Richardson is very much like Clinton was in 1992 - turned around a weak state. But he has the foreign policy experience to match.

Watch the video - you will be impressed.


  • At 6:07 PM , Blogger Concerned Albertan said...

    Gore won't run - I think he is out of that game.

    Richardson would be a great candidate, for Obama to be VP under. Senators don't usually have very good presidential runs. Too many votes on the record that can be spun by the other side.

  • At 12:31 PM , Blogger Dave said...


    I agree with you on Senators - but I do think Gore will jump in. Later in the year though.

    Good luck on your election!


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