Tutte Politiche (aka All Things Political)

A place for a PhD candidate to rant, rave and discuss revelant political issues: Canadian, American and Comparative.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dryden Outlines Vision

As already identified, Ken Dryden released his full policy vision today in Ottawa.

The document is a fairly comprehensive outline of what kind of government Dryden would lead. This forward looking, progressive document strengthens my resolve to see Dryden elected leader.
You can get a copy of Dryden's platform here.

One of my favourate quotes from the document:

It would be a government excited at the possibilities of Canada, of what we are now – more than we know – and of what we can be. It would be challenging. We have been given a lot – our land, our space, our resources – we have been given a lot by our ancestors – peace, stability, materia wealth, a “live and let live” society with the richness of two founding languages and many cultures, with its understandings and institutions, and instinct for getting along. We have been given a past and a present that have set no limits on our future. We are a country still in the making, still in the becoming.


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