Tutte Politiche (aka All Things Political)

A place for a PhD candidate to rant, rave and discuss revelant political issues: Canadian, American and Comparative.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Endorsement: Ken Dryden for Leader

Seeing as though many of my fellow bloggers have recently provided their preferred candidate for the Liberal leadership - I decided to sit down and get my opinions out on paper (or computer screen).

I will be voting for delegates committed to KEN DRYDEN.

Ken is my choice for three specific reasons.

Fundraising Potential

My most significant reason for supporting Ken is due to the clear disadvantage the Liberal Party now faces in fundraising.

The first quarter results speak for themselves.

Party (Number of Contributors, Average Contribution)

Conservatives - $5,371,354.00 (37,391, $143.65)

Liberals - $ 1,328,515.12 (6,493, $204.61)

NDP - $1,113,563.26 (12,850, $86.66)

Bloc - $147,855.66 (1,902, $77.74)

Green - $125,782.89 (1,612, $78.03)

What's the problem - The Liberals cannot raise small amounts of money from Canadians. Clearly the Conservatives have a huge advantage on us, while the NDP is also doing better among small donors (double the number of contributors).

So, when I look to a leadership candidate who will be able to get the party back into fighting shape, money, as always, talks.

Ask yourself, which of the 11 candidates can go into rural Saskatchewan, Manitoba or Alberta and draw a crowd out larger than say 30 or 40 people? Bob Rae? - Maybe in rural Ontario, but that is just to throw eggs. Michael Ignatieff? - Highly doubtful. Stephane Dion - most likely, NO.

So when I look at Ken Dryden - with his unbeatable name recognition and personal appeal - I say this man can be a cash cow for the Liberals. And for mainly that reason - I will be supporting him.

But my support is not only based on money.

Head Start in Name Recognition

If Ken is elected leader on December 3rd, he will not have to work for five months to increase his name recognition. People know who he is - what he has done. This also is useful in making it harder for the Conservatives and the NDP to define him. What if Bob Rae wins? Harper et al. will have a field day defining the Liberal Party based on Bob Rae's record (a record he accomplished not as a Liberal). And Ignatieff - well 30 years out of the country, supporter of the War in Iraq - can you say Jack Layton's own wet dream?

The fact is - it will be difficult to attack Ken personally. He's a big, lovable guy that many Canadians idolize. Harper will only be able to attack his policy positions. And this will allow us to contrast our ideas and I believe more Canadians subscribe to Liberal ideas than Conservatives ones (just look at the 2006 election results - Conservatives 37%, everyone else 63%)

And finally - vision, intellect and down home charm.

Ken Can Sell Liberalism

Its easy to say - "the government has to get its hand out of your pocket" and "less government is good government" - but simple 10 second sound bites can't build a country.

I like Ken's "Big Canada" vision. It speaks to directly the kind of federal government we need. Big vision, big endeavors, big results - heck Preston Manning even told us to Think Big - unfortunately his prodigal son (Harper) didn't listen.

I think Ken is the only candidate that can walk into small town Canada, and speak directly to people. First because as mentioned earlier because they will come to hear him, but second because I think he gets it. He's not an academic and he's not an idiot. He speaks directly to what Canadians want to hear - a proud country that puts people first. The "its cheaper when we pay for it together" attitude of small L liberalism.

Yes - he needs some work to focus his speeches and get directly to the point - all of which can happen. If Stephen Harper can turn around is image anyone can.

But Ken can reconnect the party to the grassroots. To progressive Canadians who lost faith in our party during the last 13 years. We are the party of public healthcare, of old age pensions, of the Charter of Rights, of economic prosperity and a strong national government.

Canadian unity will come when each region is strong and each is an equal partner in the grand endeavour. I'm excited for the future of the Liberals if Ken is leader.

He has my full support.

So to sum it all up:

1. Money, money, money - only Ken can reconnect and build a base of small donors across the country.
2. Unbeatable name recognition
3. Vision, intellect and passion.


  • At 4:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Glad you found someone you can get behind. You may be right about his potential in the west.

  • At 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good to see some enthusiasm in your choice.
    I am from a small, Western Canadian town. I have nothing against Ken Dryden. However, I would have go with Kennedy who is also from a small, Western town, grew up as a rural Canadian and easily relates to folks out West.

    Good Luck with your candidate.

  • At 5:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Here Here!

    Agree with all your points, just needs to work on his french. He's a smart cookie so he should be able nail it by December.

    Regardless, he'll have my support at the convention.

  • At 6:07 PM , Blogger S.K. said...

    I have to say I agree with your reasons. And they are important reasons to consider.

    Our organizational potential needs to be given a hard look for an election two to three months after the leadership convention.

  • At 7:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What about his French?

  • At 11:53 AM , Blogger Sinestra said...

    Excellent, excellent choice!

  • At 11:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If the reason for supporting Ken is his fundraising ability than I think you may have a challenge, since it doesn't seem like he can rasie funds for his own campaign.


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