Tutte Politiche (aka All Things Political)

A place for a PhD candidate to rant, rave and discuss revelant political issues: Canadian, American and Comparative.

Monday, May 08, 2006

A New SES Research Poll

Canada's most accurate pollster, SES Research, released a new Ontario poll this morning.

The findings should be a little worrisome for Dalton McGuinty.

Question: I am going to read you three statements and I would like you to me which statement, if any, comes closest to your view? (Read and Rotate)
a. The McGuinty led provincial government focuses too much on cities.
b. The McGuinty led provincial government focuses too much on small/rural communities.
c. McGuinty led provincial government has struck the proper balance between both.

Statement A: 43%
Statement B: 14%
Statement C: 27%
Unsure 20%


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